
January Writing Challenge 2021: 7

7. A letter to tomorrow. What do you want to happen tomorrow and why? Do you think tomorrow is a nice person? What do you want to say to your destiny in a few hours?

Dear Tomorrow,

You're the last day of the work week so I'm looking forward to you, but only because after you're over it's the weekend. This whole week has been a crazy shit show, oh you know with the coup on our government that occurred yesterday. I don't even want to bring up the fact that it was my first week back at work after the holidays and it's been fucking insane and made me hate everything. 

I just want you to not give me any more fucking surprises, let me finish up the few things I have on my plate work-wise, so I can get past you and lay down on my couch watching New Girl and drinking. I don't expect you to be nice to me Tomorrow, because you probably will give me even more work to do and it's very likely I will get overwhelmed again and cry. But I just want to get through you Tomorrow, so that I can get to the day after you. I just want to get you over with because I need the two day break from this year already. 

Fuck you very much,

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