
January Writing Challenge 2021: 13

 I forgot to publish #12 yesterday and I'm writing #13 after midnight, so it looks like I did three on the 14th, but I promise I'm doing them on time!

13. A recurring dream, or your most memorable dream, and what you think it says about you

Here's the thing, I rarely remember my dreams. The last memorable one I had fairly recently was one where my mom made us have another wedding but for the Philippines, but I didn't tell anyone I knew except for the Filipinos, and I forgot to re-book all my vendors because I somehow thought they would just show up and do the same thing they did the first time. When I realized I didn't have any hair or makeup people coming, Sharon offered to do it for me. And when my mom got mad at me for forgetting to book any vendors for our second wedding, I asked her "Why are we having another wedding anyway?!" And she shouted back "FOR THE FILIPINOS!"

To be honest I have no idea what this means or what it says about me. Maybe that I have our wedding top of mind because our one year anniversary is coming up, or maybe it means I feel bad that none of my family from the Philippines was able to come here for our wedding because their visas weren't approved. Maybe it's something about my relationship with my mother? I'm bad at interpreting my own dreams.

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