Ahhh I forgot to do yesterday's prompt! Here it is for good measure. Dammit.
14. You wake up and realise that in a Metamorphosis-style twist of fate, you’ve turned into Jeff Bezos. You’ve got £136b ($182b) to splash- how do you spend it?
The first thing I do is pay any outstanding debts my family has, likely car payments, some stuff from both me and my brother's college tuition, my brother's pharmacy school, and any other bills. Then I set my family up so that my mom can retire. Probably buy my parents a new house or remodel parts of our current house that are old. See how we can help family in the Philippines. Set up Ben's family so that they are doing well also.
Then I think Ben and I would buy a house ourselves somewhere. Being that rich would probably mean we could have multiple residences, so I feel like we'd likely have one here in Brooklyn, and one in Houston or Austin. Maybe both. Oh, and then I'd hire a financial advisor because there's no way in hell we would know what else to do with that amount of money. Probably have investments or some shit.
After all our families are set, I'd use the rest to travel to all the places I've always wanted to go, and then find some causes to support that mean a lot to me. Maybe something in the Philippines, maybe something to do with food sustainability. Or the environment. Etc. I dunno that amount of money is unfathomable to me, so honestly I would probably have no idea what else to do with it.
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