
January Writing Challenge 2021: 20

20. The things you were grateful for in 2020

Number one thing I was grateful for in 2020 is my husband Ben. We got married in 2020 and that was honestly just the beginning of a truly unforgettable first year of marriage. I definitely would not have survived quarantine without him. He took care of me, and was there when I was going crazy from work or being cooped up for too long. He put up with me when I got bored and had to bother my only other co-worker to distract myself from the work I had to do. Gave me unlimited cuddles. Loved me even when I was being the worst.

I was also grateful for healthy family and friends. My cat. Puzzles. Alcohol. Lots of alcohol. Being healthy myself. Moving to a bigger, nicer apartment now that we have to spend a much larger majority of our time in it. Taylor Swift. Loungewear. Warm socks. Did I say alcohol?

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