
January Writing Challenge 2021: 10

10. A TV series you think everyone should watch and why

Because we're still in the midst of a global pandemic, I'm going to go lighthearted with this one and say that Parks and Recreation is a series that everyone should watch. It is one of my favorite TV shows of all time, and is one I go back to repeatedly.

One could say that when it started it was riding the super successful coattails of the American version of The Office, by following the same documentary-style format, but it definitely grew into its own, especially after the first season. Following the ins and outs of local government in Pawnee Indiana was made entertaining and hilarious by an unforgettable cast of characters. I loved the weird quirks of the town and every person living in it, and it's fun to go back and watch some major names before they got big (dad bod Chris Pratt, I'm looking at you).

From Lil Sebastian to Snakejuice, there are endless jokes and quotable moments that I can think of, and it's just such a fun ray of sunshine in these dark times. Hell, even the reunion Zoom episode they did during Covid was amazing. Ugh I'm going to go rewatch the whole thing now.

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