
I'm back!

After a very long and extended hiatus, Jo-Anne Doing Things is back.

Since my last entry, there have been a few holidays, a couple trips back to Texas, a hurricane, a lot of eating, and a new year has come around. 2012 for me was about a lot of new beginnings: new job, new relationship, new apartment in a different borough. And I started this blog. While things didn't always go so smoothly, I think for the most part this past year was a very, very good one.

2013 will hopefully be a great year for doing things, I'm very excited about it.

There are a few Eating Astoria posts I never got around to from last year that I'll be putting up in the next couple days, and a few Texas ones as well. For now though, please enjoy this photo of Franklin Barbecue from Austin, Texas. Pork ribs that fell right off the bone, moist brisket, delicious sausage, and potato salad and coleslaw. Food on another level, you guys. On. Another. Level.

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