
January Writing Challenge 2021: 23-31

So I didn't finish this writing challenge I gave myself. I got kind of tired of the prompts to be honest. Because I still would like to finish this, I'm gonna just answer as succinctly as possible the last, like 10 prompts.

23. A social media trend you detest with every atom of your being and why

Uhh I work in social media, so I guess. All of it? Or none of it? I used to hate TikTok but now I've joined the dark side with Gen Z and kind of love it. There's honestly not really a trend I detest. Maybe the overall curated fake lifestyles and expectations built up through influencer culture. Yeah, that one.

24. Go out, look at the surroundings of where you live and describe them like you’re a poet in love. Not all of us can live next to verdant, rolling hills with watery blues marking the sky- try and describe the bins outside of your house in the most gracefully ridiculous way possible

It's a snowy winter's night. White blankets over everything, undisturbed except for paw prints of a stray cat seeking shelter.  Windows glow yellow, signs of life inside peek through: a dinner being made by a couple in a kitchen, a robed dude sitting at his desktop hard at work (or playing video games, it's hard to tell).  It's quieter than quiet. Shhh,

25. Analyse a common saying that has never made any sense to you

Ugh what I don't know I don't feel like it.

26. Write about a tradition in your culture and why you love/hate it so much. This also doesn’t have to be super serious, I’d probably write about Britain’s extreme love of pubs

Because we just finished the season, I'm going to say Filipinos and their love of Christmas. The Christmas season basically starts in September, all the "BER" months, and then continues into January basically. The parols, the decorations, the Catholicism, the carols. And best of all the food. This year was the first one spent at Brooklyn without our families so we tried to recreate all the Filipino Christmas foods I'm used to. 

27. Invent a few sayings you think should be common and explain why


28. Three things you wish you knew/understood at the age of ten

Honestly, probably nothing. Because the whole naivety and innocence of childhood is what makes it great.

29. Look in the mirror and describe yourself like an author would describe you. As hard as it is, try to be objective- you may slowly gain an appreciation for features you’ve never liked

Black shoulder length hair, and caramel skin. Thin eyebrows frame chocolate brown eyes, a flat button nose and full pink lips. Tiny everything: legs, limbs, hands. Short in stature, always having to look up.

30. Write about an injustice that boils your blood. Doesn’t have to be super serious- for me, I’d probably write about my dislike of Thomas Edison in how he stole several inventions from Nikola Tesla

Um. After reading it this year, I'm pissed Beach Read didn't win Best Romance of 2020 on GoodReads. Some fantasy romance won, which I guess is fine. But Beach Read was so well written! The character development! The slow burning attraction and connection! The second chance romance/fake enemies to lovers vibes! The sizzling tension! The beach houses! The dark side plots! The communication and acknowledgment of faults and baggage! SO GOOD IT SHOULD HAVE WON DAMMIT

31. What you’ve learnt during January and any goals you may have for February 2021

Well I learned that I can't complete a challenge. And that I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do with my career. Goals are to try figuring that shit out. Wish me luck.

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