
what begins as an unguarded train of thought

So I realized that even though I think most of what I write is total shit, it's not going to get any better unless I actually, you know, write. So I'm just going to write in here every time I think of something to write about, and hopefully my writing will improve. Plus it's not like a ton of people will read this anyway.

I guess also part of it is I've been feeling pretty uninspired lately. Usually I carry around a journal everywhere I go and jot down anything that comes to mind, but that hasn't been happening lately. I've been pretty preoccupied by work and when I'm not working I just want to lay around and do nothing. Lately I guess I've just been going through the motions of living. I don't think I'm depressed though. I mean not any more depressed than any of the other 20-somethings I know who don't have much direction and are still figuring out what they're doing with their lives. So I've figured that it's normal to feel like this, since pretty much everyone I know feels like this. But what I want to know is when the hell does it stop feeling like this.

Don't really know how this turned into another "pity party about my life" post but these are the things I think about at 2 in the morning. I think I'll make it a point to write more this week. About whatever.

This weekend I've found myself listening to a lot of new music (new to me at least), which has been pretty cool, since I haven't been this active at seeking out new music since I worked for UT's radio station KVRX. Through my random clicking and Youtube watching, I found Yadi, and I've been playing her song "Guillotine" on repeat all weekend. So before I go to bed I leave you with this. Night.


I'm terrible at keeping a blog. A lot of the time I'll write a few paragraphs of pointless shit, realize it's dumb and delete it all. I've spent my entire Saturday night clicking aimlessly on the Internet, looking at Tumblr or watching music videos on Youtube. This song pretty much describes how I feel about my life right now.